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chart of UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Game
Educators for a hopeful world​​​​

Sustainability is alive, vibrant, urgent

Participants experience a living simulation as they interact and collaborate to uncover barriers

leaving them inspired  to take urgent action.​

Join us in shaping a sustainable future.​​​

This game was incredible .... success relied on teamwork, leadership, and strategy.

During the game we learn it was necessary to balance people, planet and profit to get to sustainability. I reflected upon how difficult this is for humanity.

Niko, Greece


Participant feedback

100% left having raised their level of understanding of sustainability

90%  spoke about a desire to change their behaviour in the world 

80% felt better equiped to face the challenge of sustainability with meaningful personal actions


Visual representation of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting global efforts for sustainability and social

"We at kudizi support the UN Sustainable Development Goals"

Making them alive, vibrant, and urgent

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